I must confess that I love QuickBooks Enterprise. That shouldn’t come as a surprise to you; I built Fourlane to offer services around QuickBooks and other Intuit products. Having just finished writing and delivering three Enterprise Certification Training sessions at Scaling New Heights in New Orleans, I wanted to share with you my 4 ways you can improve your use of the this, and other software.
1.Watch videos and attend webinars. Fourlane offers free training on QuickBooks, QuickBooks Enterprise, POS and Field Services, and we have webinars on specific issues facing accounting departments. Intuit offers QuickBooks Enterprise live demos each week, and also has additional videos and pdf materials available on its product page.
2.Play with the product. Create a dummy account with old data and try new things, such as the Advanced and Custom Reporting options. Way back, I first learned QuickBooks by converting an accounting department from Excel. That process taught me a lot about how the product worked and about how I wanted it to work. Luckily, there have been a lot of advances since then.
3.Read the Intuit Small Business Center. There is a lot of great information on Intuit products, but also guidance on a ton of other ways to make your business more efficient and productive.
4.Schedule customized training with us. Fourlane’s team can quickly and easily get a list of your goals and walk you through how to accomplish each and every one of them. In understanding some of the challenges you face, we can also recommend apps or workflows that will make your life easier.
Good luck! I can’t wait to see your MacGyver skills in action!